When you enable Enhanced Security Mode, you gain an extra layer of protection and peace of mind while browsing less familiar sites in Microsoft Edge.
Enhanced Security Mode
When you enable Enhanced Security Mode, you gain an extra layer of protection and peace of mind while browsing less familiar sites in Microsoft Edge.
Tips and Tricks
Frequently asked questions
Enhanced Security Mode is an opt-in feature that you can enable in your Edge Settings > Privacy, search, & services under the Security header.
Once enabled, Enhanced Security Mode will run on sites according to your selected mode (like Balanced) and site treatment preferences.
Enhanced security mode helps reduce the risk of an attack caused by memory-related vulnerabilities by automatically applying stricter security settings on unfamiliar sites while adapting to your browsing habits over time.
There are multiple ways to know is Enhanced security mode is active:
In the address bar, there will be a security icon to view site information. Open View site information and there will be a menu stating that Enhanced Security Mode is active.
In Privacy, search and services settings, scroll down to Enhance your security on the web.
In the address bar, select View site information > Enhanced Security Mode is active, then turn off Enhanced security mode.
Note: Turning off Enhanced security mode from the address bar will automatically add it to your Never use Enhanced Security Mode list.
No, Enhanced Security Mode adds an extra layer of protection when navigating less familiar sites (under Balance preference) and all sites (under Strict preference). The extra protections helps against site vulnerabilities. There are other features in Microsoft Edge that protect your sensitive information like Tracking Prevention.
* Feature availability and functionality may vary by device type, market, and browser version.